Morning Links - Wednesday October 30, 2024


Avery Bilodeau's "Lost on a Mountain in Maine" project - YouTube - Portland Press Herald

Asylum Seekers

7 things to know about immigration in Maine and the United States πŸ› Maine Center for Economic Policy

Bears, Sharks, and Zombies

Psychic medium discusses how she helps search for Kim Moreau - YouTube - WMTW-TV


A robot walks into a bar? Maine hospitality industry considers incorporating AI technology πŸ› Maine Public

Shaw's stores in New England could have a new owner - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Buy Local

Roy’s on Stevens πŸ› Reddit


Reshaping Portland’s housing landscape - YouTube - CBS 13 News

illustrated map of western cemetery & points of interest within πŸ› Reddit

Which tree will light up Portland's Monument Square this holiday season? - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Climate Emergency

US chooses winning bids for 1st Atlantic floating offshore wind sites πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Lease Sale Kicks Off New Era πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

Gulf of Maine wind power sale attracts lackluster interest πŸ› Maine Public

Groups say sale of offshore wind leases a 'momentous step forward' for Maine's climate goals πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Maine offshore wind power takes a big step forward with new federal leases πŸ› Maine Beacon

Two companies bid $22 million for right to develop wind energy in Gulf of Maine πŸ› Portland Press Herald


UMS sees increase in enrollment for first time in years πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

UMaine breaks ground on 'factory of the future' to scale up 3D printed manufacturing πŸ› Maine Public


Voting Resources - 2024 πŸ› Maine Audubon

Are MAGA hats or 'Vote for Her' shirts allowed at Maine voting polls? - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Poll workers around Maine are being trained ahead of election day - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Election Workers in Maine - YouTube - WMTW-TV

What are the laws about political ads? - YouTube - WMTW-TV


What to know about PFAS-contaminated deer, wild turkey πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Should you 'leave the leaves' this fall? πŸ› Maine Public

Food and Drink

Dinner Arrives at Ocotillo with New Evening Service πŸ› Portland Old Port

Portland, Maine, Restaurant 'Most-Booked' in Entire State πŸ› WCYY

Cape Elizabeth Town Council delays decision on Cookie Jar parking spaces πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Usage of Maine's yellow flag law soared since Lewiston shooting πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Health Care

ACA insurance enrollment opens Friday as advocates push to extend subsidies πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Opinion: A back-alley abortion experience is a nightmare πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Court oversight of Maine’s mental health services ending after 3 decades πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Laid-off southern Maine restaurant workers getting official help πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Sunset at Long Lake πŸ› Reddit

Chilly morning in Athens πŸ› Reddit

View from porch in Athens. πŸ› Reddit

Night Sky 10/25/2024 πŸ› Reddit


Portland, Maine man facing murder charges πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Portland, Maine deadly shooting: Police update πŸ› New England Cable News

Maine lawmaker allegedly choked womanwhen confronted about affair πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine lawmakers call for representative to resign after domestic violence charges πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Maine Democrats call on Republicanfacing domestic violence charge to resign πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sanford lawmaker accused of choking wife πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine Rep. Lucas Lanigan charged with domestic violence πŸ› New England Cable News


Slumlord Ned Payne put up 50-100 of these fake Wes Pelletier signs in D2 today. Is this kind of negative campaigning really how we do politics now, Portland? I hope not. πŸ› Reddit

Voting in Portland? Here’s what you need to know about local races πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Opinion: These progressive champions will protect what makes Portland great πŸ› Maine Beacon

Portland voters face two city ballot questions πŸ› The West End News

South Portland: What you need to know to vote in local races πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Scarborough: What you need to know to cast a ballot in local races πŸ› Portland Press Herald

BREAKING NEWS! The Election's Most Difficult Decision… - YouTube - CGP Grey

Letter: Reject the new Maine flag proposal πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Let’s return a pro-environment majority to the Maine Legislature πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine needs leaders who see the need for humanity in education πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Ron Russell aims for Maine's CD1 seat πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

I’ll put people over politics for Maine’s 2nd District πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Debate Recap: Candidates face off in Maine Senate debate - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Angus King’s experience and centrism make him a solid choice for Senate πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine Democrats are feeling anxiousenergy going into Election Day πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Opinion: Harris can deliver a healthier transportation future for Maine students πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Sears Island / Mack Point Wind Port

Why NRCM is Supporting an Offshore Wind Port on Sears Island πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

Things to Do

Maine Things To Do | Oct. 29-Nov. 4. πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Come check out our 3 year anniversary event Sunday! πŸ› Reddit

Flamenco Singing Workshop with BΓ‘rbara MartΓ­nez πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Morning Links - Tuesday October 29, 2024


I had a chat with the movie producer who did β€˜Lost on a Mountain in Maine’ πŸ› Bangor Daily News

β€˜Lost on a Mountain in Maine’ film adaptation opens in theaters Friday πŸ› Piscataquis Observer

Anna Kendrick Talks Netflix's Love is Blind vs. Portland, Maine πŸ› WJBQ


Skowhegan development group receives $200,000 grant to help Maine Grains, others πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Gauge increase, a top concern for lobstermen, is delayed to July 2025 πŸ› Mount Desert Islander

Climate Emergency

Fort Gorges Awaits FEMA Funding to Fix Wharf Damage Due to January Storm πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Maine could see record-breaking temps on Halloween - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine


Grant money will focus on growing Libbytown garden ... πŸ› Mainebiz


Portland school renovations showcase '21st century ... πŸ› Mainebiz


Voting by mail? Postal Service says mail your ballot by Tuesday πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Some Mainers say they never received requested mail-in ballots - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Printmaking Students Collaborate with Maine Students Vote πŸ› Maine College of Art & Design


Maine asks hunters to avoid eating deer, turkey in some areas because of PFAS contamination πŸ› New England Cable News

Wabanaki tribes, scientists take drastic steps to save ash trees from invasive beetles πŸ› Portland Press Herald

How to protect ash trees and preserve a Wabanaki tradition πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Acadia’s lakes inform harmful algal bloom risk predictions statewide πŸ› University of Maine

UMaine researchers explore climate change's impact on water resources - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Maine stream restoration efforts get $25 million boost from federal government πŸ› Maine Public

Letter: Stronger regulations needed for rockweed harvesting πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Food and Drink

Ocotillo Adding Dinner in November πŸ› Portland Food Map

Next Tea on Congress πŸ› Portland Food Map

Hop on Over: What’s Brewing in Portland for 207 Beer Week πŸ› Portland Old Port

Friday Food Insider Notebook: Openings, closings and a ... πŸ› Mainebiz

Local restaurateurs to open tavern in downtown Brunswick πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Portland variety store is closing after half a century in business πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Pizza Recommendations πŸ› Reddit

This one hurts πŸ› Reddit

Health Care

Open enrollment on Maine's health insurance marketplace begins Friday, November 1 πŸ› Maine Public

Mainers can soon enroll in insurance through πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


How Corporations Use Anti-Immigrant Politics to Divide the Working Class πŸ› Maine Beacon


Trail cameras allow hardworking Mainers to hunt successfully πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine Guide Mondays: Allagash Wilderness Waterway - YouTube - CBS 13 News


First proper snowfall of the year πŸ› Reddit

Such a good puppers at Nobleboro Village Store πŸ› Reddit

Broad Cove Reserve, Cumberland Foreside πŸ› Reddit

Looking east in Gorham at dusk. πŸ› Reddit

Gorgeous gorgeous girls wear their safety vests πŸ› Reddit

October Surprise, PHL πŸ› Reddit

Red sky at morning πŸ› Reddit

Ice on the Beaver pond πŸ› Reddit

Surfer in Ogunquit - would love to get him the photo! πŸ› Reddit


Police identify suspect, victim in downtown Portland shooting πŸ› Portland Press Herald

21-year-old allegedly shot man multiple times near Portland store πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Portland police investigate reported shooting Monday evening πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Police investigating deadly shooting in Portland, Maine πŸ› New England Cable News

Suspect in custody after deadly shooting in downtown Portland πŸ› WMTW

Portland police on scene of shooting investigation πŸ› WGME

Maine lawmaker turns himself in after police issue warrant for assault πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine state representative turns himself in to police πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Sanford representative turns himself in to police after aggravated assault charge πŸ› Maine Morning Star

State lawmaker facing aggravated assault charge turns himself into police πŸ› Maine Public

Sanford Rep. Lucas Lanigan turns himself into York County Jail πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Cumberland County corrections officer sues sheriff, county manager over firing πŸ› Portland Press Herald


These posters just went up around Deering Oaks Park πŸ› Reddit

Watch out for these deeply dishonest ads being run by "Working Families First" PAC run by local Airbnb operator and slumlord Ned Payne πŸ› Reddit

These signs just went up on Congress with Mayor Dion's face. (Question A is to change Hazard Pay to trigger only on *local* states of emergency, instead of *state* states of emergency.) πŸ› Reddit

Letter: Have faith in Maine clerks this election πŸ› Bangor Daily News

South Portland voters to decide on $12 million track, field renovations at high school - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Cape Elizabeth residents to vote on $94 million bond for new school - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Cape Elizabeth slated to vote on controversial parking at The Cookie Jar πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Cape Elizabeth bakery fights to keep crucial parking spots amid zoning issues - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Opinion: Land bond won’t solve Scarborough’s growth problem πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The 4 most interesting housing initiatives Mainers will vote on this year πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Malfunctioning state budget process hurts Mainers πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine US Rep. Pingree equates Trump’s NYC rally to pro-Nazi event πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Letter: Austin Theriault is the best choice for CD 2 πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Letter: Jared Golden will protect personal freedom for everyone πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Wabanaki Alliance Endorses Congressman Jared Golden for Re-Election πŸ› Wabanaki Alliance

What we learned from the 1st debate between Angus King and 2 challengers πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Watch: US Senate debate between Angus King, Demi Kouzounas and David Costello πŸ› Bangor Daily News

How to watch Angus Kingdebate 2 of his 3 challengers tonight πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sen. King debates Republican, Democratic challengers πŸ› Portland Press Herald

US Senate candidates find common ground in first debate, but diverge on immigration, economy πŸ› Maine Morning Star

U.S. Senate Debate - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Maine Senate candidates share views on abortion, economy on debate stage - YouTube - CBS 13 News

The 207 Interview: US Senate candidate Jason Cherry πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Maine democrats host 'Get Out the Vote' rally in Portland - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Federal, state election races are heating up πŸ› Quoddy Tides

Pro-Palestine demonstration near Saco school disrupts morning commute - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Things to Do

The Live Music Guide: October 30th – November 5th, 2024 πŸ› Portland Old Port

James McMurtry with special guest BettySoo πŸ› One Longfellow Square

ALBA Musik feat. Lindsey Bourassa – Mayo Street Arts πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Mount Eerie with Hana Stretton πŸ› SPACE

β€˜Angels in America’ returns with an intense and rewarding Part 2 πŸ› Portland Press Herald

West End Trick or Treating πŸ› Reddit


Bar Harbor residents to vote on latest cruise ship proposal πŸ› Maine Public

Maine has some of the best stargazing in the country. Here's how to best enjoy it πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Morning Links - Monday October 28, 2024


Asheville benefit in Portland, new music from Mike Maurice, Suns So Far πŸ› Portland Press Herald

β€˜The Ghost Trap’ achieves the rare feat of getting Maine right on film πŸ› Portland Press Herald

My photos from the Rise Against show at the State Theater in Portland πŸ› Reddit


City Completes Tree Planting Project in Bayside Neighborhood – Planting More Than Anticipated Originally πŸ› Munjoy Hill News


This Halloween graveyard is about homage, not haunting πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Voting by mail? Mainers advised to deliver to post office by Tuesday πŸ› Maine Morning Star


First offshore wind auction for eight sites in the Gulf of Maine set for this week πŸ› Maine Public

Food and Drink

Paper City BBQ’s burnt ends will stick to your ribs πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Cape Elizabeth considers allowing bakery to keep parking spots despite zoning rules πŸ› Portland Press Herald

I have found THE BEST PIZZA πŸ› Reddit

Best allergen friendly restaurants in / near Old Port? πŸ› Reddit


What’s on Your Four Ballots? πŸ› The Gorham Times

Health Care

Head of Maine's health insurance marketplace urges Congress to extend enhanced tax credits πŸ› Maine Public

New laws spearheaded by Sen. Susan Collins extend funding for Alzheimer’s πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Throwback photo: Halloween at Longfellow School in 1937 πŸ› Portland Press Herald


You should wear blaze orange in the Maine woods even if you don’t hunt πŸ› Bangor Daily News

My Maine This Week: Frogs by David Small πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine


Gotta love Old Speck. πŸ› Reddit

Nubble at Sunrise Draws a Lot of Admirers πŸ› Reddit

Still fall foliage around. πŸ› Reddit

Another view of Cape Porpoise Fish House πŸ› Reddit

Sunday Photos: October 27, 2024 πŸ› Daily Bulldog

Pen Bay from Hatchet Mountain πŸ› Reddit

Ocean point on point. πŸ› Reddit

Back in the beautiful woods of Maine πŸ› Reddit


Arrest warrant issued for Sanford state representative πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


Letter: Backing O’Brien for Portland City Council πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Ballot Question 2 πŸ› Reddit

Jared Golden and Austin Theriault are fighting hard for these rural swing voters πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Donald Trump repeats β€˜garbage can’ immigration line on call with Austin Theriault πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Despite Maine conflicts over political signs, they may not even work πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Opinion: Harris’ Medicare at Home proposal is a true game-changer πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Things to Do

Tickets on sale for Soul Asylum with Juliana Hatfield on Halloween – and many more upcoming shows πŸ› Portland Press Herald

There are a lot of holiday craft fairs. Here are 13 that offer something extra. πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Take your Valentine to a Harlem Globetrotters game in Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Two takes on β€˜Dracula,’ rare Andrew Wyeth paintings, Mariners hockey action πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Hit local craft fairs for everyone on your holiday shopping list, including yourself πŸ› Portland Press Herald

See a free performance of Gabriel Fauré’s β€˜Requiem’ on Sunday πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Eastern Cemetery/ Spirits Alive πŸ› Reddit

Morning Links - Sunday October 27, 2024


β€˜Light in Every Room’ Shines Brightly at Moss Galleries on Munjoy Hill Show πŸ› Munjoy Hill News


Portland plants new street trees in Bayside πŸ› WGME


Portland's Thriller ThrowDown doubles in size this year πŸ› WGME

Thriller Flash Mob! πŸ› Reddit


Callahan Mine site home to one of Maine’s earliest aquaculture projects πŸ› The Maine Monitor

Portland firefighters to phase out foam containing PFAS by month ... πŸ› WGME

Food and Drink

Mexican food πŸ› Reddit

Health Care

Which EMS agencies received stabilization funding? πŸ› The Maine Monitor


1885 Postcard from ME State Pythian Relief Assoc. πŸ› Reddit


Visas for Maine’s foreign seasonal workers could be in short supply πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Lewiston Mass Shooting

Maine’s yellow flag law has been used much more often in year since Lewiston mass shooting πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Survivors, victims' families gather at Colisee to mark one year since Lewiston shootings πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Letter: Ruminations on the Lewiston massacre πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Perkins Cove Pre Dawn πŸ› Reddit

Slightly past peak in Camden on this gorgeous day. πŸ› Reddit

In photos: Monsters, mummies and more have a ghoulish time at the annual Great Pumpkin Ball πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Sharrow πŸ› Corey Templeton Photography

Watch this these blue jays torment an owl πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sweet Halloween Decorations in the Deering Neighborhood Close to USM, which other houses have the best decorations to go check out? πŸ› Reddit

Somewhere in Maine πŸ› Reddit

Mt. Pleasant looking toward Cadillac over Rockport πŸ› Reddit

Houlton Maine today πŸ› Reddit

Kayaking doesn't stop until ice in. πŸ› Reddit

Morning πŸ› Reddit

Bar Harbor on Friday Evening πŸ› Reddit


Sanford state representative wanted for alleged aggravated assault, police say πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Arrest warrant issued for Sanford state representative πŸ› WGME

Man accused of threatening person with a gun in Portland πŸ› WGME


Opinion: Maine voters need to insist on free speech πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Vote to invest in Maine’s heritage πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Opinion: Maine does need a new flag design. Not this one. πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Maine’s flag is fine as is πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Angus King continues to be an environmental leader πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Our View: Presidential contest must not set the tone πŸ› Portland Press Herald

This remote Maine community split down the middle in 2020. Which way will The Forks go this year? πŸ› Portland Press Herald

South Portland

Letter: Studies support safety of artificial turf πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Things to Do

Parker McCollum πŸ› Cross Insurance Arena (Cumberland County Civic Center)

What’s everyone doing for Halloweekend tonight? πŸ› Reddit


Homeowners in Gorham Connector’s path brace for impact πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Lewiston-area balloon festival turned a profit, future remains ... πŸ› WGME

Morning Links - Saturday October 26, 2024


Mozart never finished his β€˜Requiem.’ This Portland musician decided to try. πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Ukrainian space startup will launch manufacturing in ... πŸ› Mainebiz

Kennebunk HR company acquires Portland payroll ... πŸ› Mainebiz


Monument Square Thriller flash mob dance off πŸ› Reddit

Dance partners πŸ› Reddit

Lotta zombies downtown today πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈ πŸ› Reddit


New UMaine program to enhance blue economy through education, outreach and tuition assistance πŸ› University of Maine

Opinion: Cape Elizabeth voters should meet in the middle on school proposal πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Francophone diplomats address Portland students about multilingual education πŸ› Portland Press Herald

French ambassadors visit Maine to celebrate state's Franco-American history πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


8 offshore wind leases in Gulf of Maine up for auction next week πŸ› Portland Press Herald


The Portland Caledonian Pipe Band πŸ› Reddit

Students at Bates πŸ› Reddit

Lobsterman in New Harbor πŸ› Reddit

Getting Ready To Go Sail On Damariscotta Lake In Jefferson πŸ› Reddit

George French in his dorm at Bates πŸ› Reddit

These photos were actually put out by the BMV back in the day πŸ› Reddit

The Lone Pine Mountaineers featuring Betty Cody and Hal Lone Pine, Bangor, circa 1940 πŸ› Reddit


Boston man sentenced to 10 years in deadly Deering Oaks shooting πŸ› Portland Press Herald


MOFGA formally recognizes union for its employees πŸ› Portland Press Herald

H-2B visas for temporary fall and winter workers could be in short supply πŸ› Maine Public

Lewiston Mass Shooting

Lewiston-Auburn artists memorialize shooting victims with an installation of items left behind πŸ› Maine Public

One year after the Lewiston mass shooting πŸ› Maine Beacon

Maine officials, organizations observe 1 year anniversary of Lewiston shootings πŸ› Maine Public

One year after shooting, hundreds gather in Lewiston for night of love and healing πŸ› Maine Morning Star

On shootings and elections, and how we move forward πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Opinion: One year later, we remember – and will never forget πŸ› Portland Press Herald

A year after Maine’s deadliest shooting, Lewiston searching for light in the darkness πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Leroy Walker reflects on year since losing his son in the Lewiston shooting πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

One year later: CMMC staff holds ceremony to commemorate Lewiston tragedy πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Remembering and including Maine's Deaf community well beyond a crisis πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Lewiston shooting victim rejoins Maine hockey team as associate head coach πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Bates College community comes together for Oct. 25 remembrance service πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Extended Interview: Maxx Hathaway's family copes with loss a year after Lewiston tragedy - YouTube - CBS 13 News

The Maine Army National Guard after the Lewiston tragedy - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Extended Interview: Central Maine Medical Center reflects on response to Lewiston mass shooting - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Kaydenz Kitchen tribute to Lewiston shooting victims - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Lewiston Tragedy: One Year Later - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Lewiston Strong: One Year Later - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

In wake of tragedy, Lewiston and state show strength and resiliency - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Strong: Year since tragedy a time for community to reflect, heal - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Strong: Community pulls together to support each other - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Strong: Commemoration event marks one year since tragedy - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Flower shop spreads 'Lewiston Strong' message with blue butterflies - YouTube - WMTW-TV

LIVE: Lewiston memorial event commemorating mass shooting - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Lewiston Commemoration: Lewiston High School Choir sings the National Anthem - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Commemoration: Maine State Police Pipe and Drum Unit performs Amazing Grace - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston shooting victims honored during 1-year commemoration - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Wife of Lewiston shooting victim delivers heartfelt speech during commemoration - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Lewiston Commemoration: Welcome remarks from Lewiston-native Tom Caron - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

'I love you all.' Liz Seal on the importance of community - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Commemoration: Lauren Ridloff's emotional sentiments to the community - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Commemoration: Moment of silence for the lives lost on Oct. 25, 2023 - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Commemoration: Reflection from the Maine Resiliency Center - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Community will have major input in Lewiston shooting memorial - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Lewiston community comes together one year after mass shooting - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Inside the Maine Army National Guard's renewed push to prevent another Lewiston tragedy - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Still Lewiston Strong: A community memorial reflects and reclaims strength one year later - YouTube - CBS 13 News

WATCH FULL: Lewiston Commemoration marks one year since tragedy - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston shooting survivor returns to Maine Nordiques but in a new role - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Lewiston Blue Devils suit up and hit the football field year after tragedy - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Community gathers to remember victims year after Lewiston tragedy - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Leroy Walker reflects on year since losing his son in Lewiston shooting - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

β€˜We are not alone': Maine governor releases video message on anniversary of mass shooting πŸ› New England Cable News


Chaffin Pond Loop (Windham, ME) πŸ› Hiking in Maine

I rated my recent Maine adventures with high school superlatives πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Cape Porpoise Fish House πŸ› Reddit

Some pics from Drew's lake in New Limerick. πŸ› Reddit

Partially planked hull πŸ› Reddit

Sunset from Southport tonight πŸ› Reddit

Muscongus Bay in Round Pond today πŸ› Reddit


"Campaign for Responsible Government" PAC, led by prominent Republican lawyer and LePage campaign treasurer Bryan Dench, has spent $21,290 on ads to oppose Grayson Lookner οΌ† Jess Falero, and to support Sarah Michniewicz in D1 πŸ› Reddit

Letter: Morse will support a child-friendly Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Vote no on Question 5, and pick a better state flag β€” the Maine bicentennial flag πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Windham finds itself on the front line in battle for Maine Legislature πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Independent Ethan Alcorn makes bid in race to unseat Rep. Chellie Pingree πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Letter: Jared Golden has Mainers’ backs πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Letter: Our culpability in Israeli war crimes is undeniable πŸ› Portland Press Herald

4 things the scant polls of Maine tell us to expect on Election Day πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sears Island / Mack Point Wind Port

How Much Longer Will the Threat of Industrialization Loom Over Sears Island? πŸ› Down East


Portland Named Best Minor League Sports Market πŸ› Portland Old Port


Three takeaways from The Monitor’s investigation into child care facilities πŸ› The Maine Monitor

Things to Do

Fill your weekend with Halloween parties and films, OysterFest and Todd Rundgren πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Halloween Market with VHS and more @ George οΌ† Leon’s 10/26 πŸ› Reddit

Disney Lorcana @ the Maine Mall πŸ› Reddit


Maine gets $53 million to improve freight rail safety, reconnect former Millinocket mill site πŸ› Portland Press Herald

MaineDOT getting over $53 million for rural freight rail upgrades πŸ› The County