Morning Links - Thursday November 28, 2024


The Bee πŸ› Reddit


A solar storm may make the northern lights visible again in the U.S. πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Buy Local

SALE on Farmers’ Market Gift Certificates! πŸ› Maine Federation of Farmers' Markets

Merry Madness taking over Portland - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Planning board tables proposal to expand surface parking at the Portland International Jetport πŸ› Maine Public

Proposal to add parking at Portland Jetport delayed 2 more months πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Climate Emergency

Maine drought persists despite recent rain πŸ› Maine Public


Cape Elizabeth police rescue injured bald eagle πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Carr's Family Restaurant dishes out free Thanksgiving meals πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Wayside Food Programs help feed families in need - YouTube - CBS 13 News

CMP Corridor

Clock is ticking for CMP to protect land for power corridor approval πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Maine voter turnout this year surpassed previous record high πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Food and Drink

Lucky Cheetah might be the most exciting restaurant to open this year πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Bars/restaurants open tomorrow (Thanksgiving day)? πŸ› Reddit


Throwback Thursday Photo: Turkey Day Game 1945 οΌ† 2024 πŸ› Portland Old Port


More Mainers struggling to afford homes as home prices climb - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Judge approves settlement reforming use of psychotropic drugs for foster children πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine Reaches Settlement with DOJ, Agrees to Comply with ADA and Support Children with Disabilities πŸ› ACLU of Maine


Unemployment rises slightly in Maine urban areas πŸ› Maine Public

Unemployment rises slightly in Maine urban zones πŸ› Portland Press Herald


New bike park in Portland to offer thrills for BMX and mountain biking fans - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Try these Bangor-area walking trails for a Thanksgiving day stroll πŸ› Bangor Daily News

There’s a loon on the pond and winter’s coming. Should you worry? πŸ› Maine Audubon


Jordan Pond MDI πŸ› Reddit

1901 flag but make it mittens πŸ› Reddit


Maine lawmakers to choose between at least 3 attorney general candidates πŸ› Maine Public

Maine's attorney general faces two challengers in bid for fourth term πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

After recounts, here’s the make up of the Maine Legislature πŸ› Maine Morning Star

A Bangor lawmaker wants to cap property taxes for Maine seniors πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Letter: New regulations will hurt small fire departments πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Things to Do

Post-turkey plans: Monument Square Tree Lighting, Funksgiving and ice skating at Thompson’s Point πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Maine's 207 area code will not be exhausted until 2032 under new agreement - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Maine expects to see higher holiday travel numbers compared to last Thanksgiving πŸ› Maine Public

Morning Links - Wednesday November 27, 2024


After a half-century of performing, a Maine icon is ready to leave the stage πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Art History Professor Susan Waller Recorded Conversation on Artists’ Models. πŸ› University of Southern Maine

A Jazz Age reinvention of β€˜Gianni Schicchi’ is a zoot-suited hoot πŸ› University of Southern Maine

Asylum Seekers

Moon Machar, Portland: Making the outdoors accessible to asylum seekers πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Pass the cranberries: Maine growers embrace intense demand of holiday season πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Buy Local

Best place to buy / rent tux in general Portland area? πŸ› Reddit


Portlanders are divided on the city’s less-than-perfect holiday tree πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Firefighters in Portland flex their muscles to uphold an old tradition - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Climate Emergency

Maine sues oil and gas giants for climate change damage πŸ› Maine Public

Maine sues energy companies, saying they failed to warn about climate change πŸ› Portland Press Herald

In lawsuit, AG alleges oil companies deceived Mainers about climate change πŸ› Bangor Daily News

AG Frey sues fossil fuel companies for deceiving Mainers about climate change πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Maine attorney general alleges fossil fuel companies lied about impacts πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Maine AG files lawsuit against oil companies over climate change - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Attorney General Aaron M. Frey Files Suit Against Fossil Fuel Companies for Deceiving Mainers about Climate Change πŸ› State of Maine

The US’s Easternmost City Could Be a Model for the Country’s Renewable Future πŸ› Island Institute

NOAA predicts above-normal temperatures for Maine's winter season - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Cyclists pedal for food pantry finds πŸ› Bicycle Coalition of Maine

The Great Maine Scavenger Hunt Honor Roll πŸ› Down East

Portland Festival of Trees helps support Children's Dyslexia Center - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Learning on Location πŸ› Island Institute


Why ranked-choice voting is good for Maine πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Record number of Maine voters cast ballots in 2024 election πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Record number of ballots cast in Maine πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Down East salmon producers could be facing lawsuit for alleged pollution πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Maine again alters plans for replacing major Down East river crossing πŸ› Bangor Daily News

A Maine factory is selling a new product to get PFAS out of crops πŸ› Piscataquis Observer

Tackling Lead, One Retailer at a Time: It Adds Up! πŸ› Maine Audubon

Land for Maine's Future Program Calls for New Conservation and Recreation Proposals πŸ› State of Maine

No waste on Wabanaki land! 🚫 Join PSL Maine for a teach-in and organizing meeting on the Juniper Ridge Landfill on December 1st, 5:30pm, at 120 Park Street in Bangor. πŸ› Reddit

Significant renovations completed at Raymond's Mill Street dam πŸ› The Windham Eagle

Food and Drink

Portland Winter Farmers’ Market kicks off soon πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The Wrap: Nosh Taco to close; Big Tree Hospitality to take over former Local 188 space πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Big Tree Hospitality to use former Local 188 for catering, events πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Cocktail Mary raises funds to move to bigger space πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine Food οΌ† Dining News: Rockland, Freeport, Scarborough, Brunswick, Searsport πŸ› Portland Food Map

The best Pho in Portland, ME πŸ› Reddit

Health Care

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England sees spike appointments for contraception πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Post-election contraceptive requests increase at Maine clinics πŸ› Maine Beacon

Maine is experiencing a youth mental health crisis. We need to act now. πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Opinion: Lifeflight of Maine supports early use of blood for patients πŸ› Portland Press Herald


As maturing mortgages threaten affordable housing, USDA and local groups look to preserve it πŸ› Maine Public


Maine reaches settlement in federal lawsuit over behavioral health services for children πŸ› Maine Public

Maine, DOJ reach settlement in case over kids' behavioral health services πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Maine settles with U.S. DOJ over children’s behavioral health services concerns πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Justice Department, Maine settle lawsuit over treatment of children with disabilities πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Governor Mills Announces Settlement of U.S. DOJ Lawsuit πŸ› State of Maine

State plans to challenge Standish man’s account of fatal shooting at trial πŸ› Portland Press Herald

8 Investigates: Lack of regulation may mean some sexual assault victims are slipping through the ... - YouTube - WMTW-TV


Letter: Apprenticeships take people in new directions πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Dahlia Verrill, Falmouth: Advocate for trans athletes aims β€˜to bridge divides and build community’ πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Loon Echo Land Trust to build loop trail at Sebago Cove Forest πŸ› The Windham Eagle

Scrambling to the summit of Tunk Mountain has its challenges πŸ› Bangor Daily News

He was shot while deer hunting in Maine. It changed his life forever. πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sugarloaf welcomes fresh snow on Opening Day πŸ› Daily Bulldog


Cundy’s Harbor, Maine πŸ› Reddit

A cool view from a train bridge πŸ› Reddit

A Year in Review: 15 Photos from 2024 πŸ› Friends of Casco Bay


Defending Portland’s Green New Deal: Building a City That Works for Everyone πŸ› Kate Sykes for District 5

State Rep. LaRochelle withdraws recount request for Senate District 15 πŸ› The Town Line

What I am thankful for in politics πŸ› Maine Beacon

Letter: Protect puppies in the Farm Bill πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Letter: One courageous step toward ending society’s injustice πŸ› Bangor Daily News

What Donald Trump’s plan for heavy tariffs means for Maine-Canada trade πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Conservatives love him. Liberals disdain him. For residents of Maine town, it’s more complicated. πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Donald Trump Jr. in Maine, buys 3,900 acres from Rep. candidate πŸ› Boston Globe


After new revenue forecast, Gov. Mills warns against significant additional spending - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Things to Do

Thanksgiving Weekend Guide: November 29th- December 1st, 2024 πŸ› Portland Old Port

The Live Music Guide: November 27th – December 3rd, 2024 πŸ› Portland Old Port

Maine Things To Do: Celebration of Lights, Holiday Hop, Monument Square Tree Lighting πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

30 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays in Maine πŸ› Down East

Faherty’s Maine Winter Surfing Guide πŸ› Down East

Portland On Tap πŸ› Cross Insurance Arena (Cumberland County Civic Center)

Winter Social Cornhole League πŸ› Reddit

Holiday tours begin at Portland's Victoria Mansion #shorts - YouTube - CBS 13 News


New homeless and warming shelters to open with help from state funding πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Mainers give back by supporting Preble Street ahead of Thanksgiving πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


Maine has taken a major step to preserve iconic 207 area code πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine PUC takes step to ease, perhaps eliminate, strain on 207 area code πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Opinion: Thanksgiving comes around and I really miss Maine πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Morning Links - Tuesday November 26, 2024


Art Exhibit at USM Tells a Multi-Layered Story πŸ› The Gorham Times

Want to Make a movie? New interactive Horror-Thriller 'The Keeper' πŸ› Reddit

Buy Local

Maine shops gear up for Small Business Saturday πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Underdog Candles owner shares journey from fundraiser origins to thriving small business - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Hotels over housing: Is Portland’s inclusionary zoning ordinance working? - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Portland appoints new public health director πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Bridget Rauscher Hired as Portland's Public Health Director Effective Today πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Climate Emergency

Maine Climate Action Plan 2.0 Released πŸ› Maine Audubon

Southern Maine Climate Action Workshop brings communities together - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine


Community Champion: City bus driver in Maine is being named a hero for saving lost toddler - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Portland Media Group raises $24,000 and counting for Preble Street Food Programs πŸ› Preble Street

Opinion: Celebrate the healing power of music, community πŸ› Portland Press Herald


UNE to offer students whose families earn $100,000 or less free tuition πŸ› Maine Public

University of New England offering free tuition for some πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine colleges expanding financial aid programs to reach more families - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Digital tool reveals Northern Maine's rare old forest πŸ› Maine Public

Letter: Limit residential development to protect Maine lakes πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Food and Drink

Nosh Taco closes after costly first year πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Orange Bike honors tradition while breaking new ground with its gluten-free beers πŸ› Portland Press Herald

At Cheese Louise, you can get your grilled cheese stuffed with Thanksgiving dinner πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Cocktail Mary 2.0 πŸ› Portland Food Map

Big Tree @ Local 188 πŸ› Portland Food Map

Sicilian restaurant coming to Brunswick πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Bars/restaurants open on Thanksgiving evening πŸ› Reddit

'The Maine Foodies' unveil must-visit holiday events and restaurants this season - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Heath Care

Maine health department proposes staffing changes at assisted living facilities πŸ› Maine Public


Throwback photo: Falmouth Foreside family prepares for Thanksgiving in 1954 πŸ› Portland Press Herald


These mill towns are expectingMaine’s biggest home value spikes πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Tiny house park in Bangor now accepting applications πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


Lawyers for Maine, ACLU file dueling motions to end public defense lawsuit πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Opinion: Repair Maine’s criminal justice system, starting with parole πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Maine businesses boost apprenticeships to counter workforce shortage πŸ› Maine Beacon


A lesson from my mom: We all deserve love, we all deserve acceptance πŸ› Maine Morning Star


My Maine This Week: Eastern Bluebirds by Ted Anderson πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

Tundra Swan Makes Rare Visit to Maine πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

Maine Guide Mondays: Animal tracking and stick season - YouTube - CBS 13 News


To what is this referring? πŸ› Reddit

In Hebron, a High-Voltage Holiday Spectacle Stops Traffic πŸ› Down East

Nature pictures to help with the winter blues πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Through a sewage plant, through a fence, over a couple swamps and this beautiful view, Tell me what town this is 🀘 πŸ› Reddit


Post-Election Reflection: Importance of Engaging with Local and State Government πŸ› The Gorham Times

Letter: Fund elections with public money πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Maine should fly both flags πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Bangor lawmaker’s late entry adds twist to Maine treasurer’s race πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Legislative recounts largely confirm Election Day results πŸ› Maine Public

Letter: Grateful for Sen. Collins’ efforts on diabetes πŸ› Portland Press Herald

NRCM Urges Senators Not to Undermine Confirmation Process πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

403 Forbidden πŸ› The County

Over 100 rabbis call to boycott Portland after Israel vote πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Public Safety

Fainting students, air quality concerns close Yarmouth High πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Yarmouth high school students hospitalized with carbon monoxide poisoning πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Yarmouth school evacuated amid air-quality concern at facility πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Needle exchanges face municipal pushback despite state, public health backing πŸ› Maine Morning Star


Gov. Mills vows lean budget in light of projected revenue shortfall πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Maine’s state revenues projected to climb, but Gov. Mills warns of β€˜tight’ budget πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Things To Do

Grab tickets to the play that launched British comedy β€˜Fleabag’ πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Find a bargain on winter gear at the Down East Ski Club Sale πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Stroll down memory lane with Nostalgia Maine πŸ› Portland Press Herald

14 events that will fill your calendar with holiday cheer πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Rigometrics and Model Airplane present annual Thanksgiving weekend shows πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Ice skating at Thompson’s Point, tribute to Phil Lesh, and Stiff Socks podcast show πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Tickets on sale for Kaki King on Dec. 5, Pete Best on March 20 πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The Wizard of Oz (16mm) πŸ› SPACE

Salt Short Docs Premieres (Program A) πŸ› SPACE

Salt Short Docs Premieres (Program B) πŸ› SPACE

a Very Nutty Nutcracker πŸ› Merrill Auditorium


Scarborough's Turnpike Proposal πŸ› The Gorham Times

Portland jetport will be especially busy this Thanksgiving πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Portland Jetport Ready for Thanksgiving Weekend Rush πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Tribal Sovereignty

University of Pennsylvania identifies Wabanaki human remains in its collection πŸ› Maine Public


Police identify man who died in Bangor tent fire πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Victim of deadly tent fire in Bangor tentatively identified πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Morning Links - Monday November 25, 2024


Hannaford resolves 2nd wave of website issues on Saturday πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Hannaford website back online after more technical issues Saturday πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Climate Emergency

Army Corps of Engineers discusses flood risks, building elevation in Kennebunkport - YouTube - CBS 13 News


Boaters asked to slow down off Portland coast for right whales - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Health Care

Maine Recovery Council approves $13.9 million in projects πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Waterville considers 4-day workweek for City Hall employees πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Weather or Not πŸ› Reddit

Stunning Walls in Portland by Ryan Adams @ryanwritesonthings - IG πŸ› Reddit

Sunday Photos: November 24, 2024 πŸ› Daily Bulldog


Jared Golden is quiet about his politicalfuture. His allies are not. πŸ› Bangor Daily News

In paid advertisement, rabbis across the US call to divest from Portland πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


This Maine town paid millions for a beach its people use for free πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Things To Do

β€˜All aboard’ the Polar Express from Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald


New development in Portland’s West End offers homes for formerly homeless πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Voter Suppression

For those upset about the voter ID ballot initiative, you are worried about the wrong thing πŸ› Reddit

Morning Links - Sunday November 24, 2024


Quiet the gods πŸ› USM Free Press

Asylum Seekers

Wednesday Sit-Down: Trump's deportation plan πŸ› WGME


Hannaford still mum on cyber β€˜issue’ as weeks wear on πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Hannaford says technical issues Saturday with website and app have been resolved πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Hannaford website, app face new technical issues - YouTube - WMTW-TV

After post-pandemic boom, Maine’s tourism industry seeks path back to growth πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Monument Square Tree Lighting; Friday, November 29th Afternoon πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Climate Emergency

Data shows storms have erased over 100 feet of Maine's coastal dunes - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Our View: Maine Legislature must lock in climate efforts πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine’s easternmost city could be a model for the nation’s renewable future πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Opinion: Climate change is threatening Nordic skiing in Maine πŸ› Portland Press Herald


β€˜A massive undertaking’: Dissecting the latest decisions on Maine dams πŸ› The Maine Monitor

Nature Connects: On the hunt for conservation success πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Food and Drink

Minervino Moves πŸ› Portland Food Map

Nosh Taco Has Closed πŸ› Portland Food Map

Freeport’s Jameson Tavern cutting ties with its historic location πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Igloo/hut/bubble dining in Maine? πŸ› Reddit

Markets that sell local duck and/or rabbit? πŸ› Reddit

Health Care

Opinion: Proposed rules would deepen Maine’s eldercare crisis πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine proposes major staffing changes for assisted living and residential care facilities πŸ› The Maine Monitor

Letter: A historical fact-check on abortion πŸ› Portland Press Herald


The Maine Millennial: GOP trifecta leads to an early wedding date πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Are Maine Audubon’s turkeys the safest birds in the state this Thanksgiving? πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Maine’s outdoor enthusiasts have plenty to celebrate πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Through the Ages πŸ› Corey Templeton Photography

Cape Porpoise Fish House Cloud Porn! πŸ› Reddit

Cloudporn pano of Bug Light πŸ› Reddit


West end: Car broken into πŸ› Reddit


Collins to assume leadership of Senate Appropriations Committee - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Letter: Have Mainers had enough of Sen. Collins? πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The 2024 electoral map of Maine πŸ› USM Free Press

Donald Trump Jr. buys Maine huntingland from Austin Theriault’s family πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Public Safety

Maine’s recalls of moldy cannabis prompt questions on state testing standards πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Things To Do

240 Strings: They Persisted πŸ› Merrill Auditorium

Palaver Strings' Beehive Chamber Series: Outlook πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

ALBA Musik feat. LindseyBourassaALBA Musik feat. LindseyBourassa πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Flamenco Singing Workshop with BΓ‘rbara MartΓ­nez πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

A Close Reading With Lids & Ellen with Keegan Whitford, Iris M, and Aidia Rayne with David Yearwood πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

St. Lucia's Day Procession with Northbound πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Tanglewood Marionettes' Sleeping Beauty πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Harley Walker's Not My Grandmother's Daughter πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Palaver Strings' Beehive Chamber Series: Rise & Shine πŸ› Mayo Street Arts

Tribal Sovereignty

A look inside Maine's Indigenous Domestic Violence Centers πŸ› Wiscasset Newspaper


Portland Maine: Soul-searching follows clearing of homeless camp πŸ› Boston Globe


Bar Harbor ballot recount upholds voters' decision on cruise ship passenger limits πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Voter Suppression

Voter id is not About Voter Id πŸ› Reddit