Morning Links - Thursday December 26, 2024

Bears, Sharks, and Zombies

Rabid raccoon warning in Cape Elizabeth πŸ› WGME

Climate Emergency

Maine's nature-based shoreline rules face pushback πŸ› Maine Public

How common is a white Christmas in Maine? πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


As Christmas winds down, Portlanders welcome Hanukkah πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Harpswell man's luminous legacy brings joy to community year after year - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Food and Drink

At Magissa, homey and agreeable Greek food inspired by family recipes πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The Send Opens Friday πŸ› Portland Food Map

1142: Michael and SiobhΓ‘n Sindoni Owners Wayside Tavern - YouTube - Restaurant Unstoppable

1138: Alex Wight, Owner of Crown Jewel - YouTube - Restaurant Unstoppable

1136: Krista Cole Owner of Sur Lie and Gather & Co-Owner of Catface Cafe - YouTube - Restaurant Unstoppable

1123: Arlin Smith, Partner at Big Tree Hospitality - YouTube - Restaurant Unstoppable


3 comparisons putting Maine’s housing crisis into perspective πŸ› Bangor Daily News


North Yarmouth widower sues JοΌ†J for $25M over talcum powder πŸ› Portland Press Herald


How Trump could try to ban trans athletes from school sports β€” and why it won’t be easy πŸ› Maine Morning Star


Today's Christmas morning at Eastern Promenade @ 6:22 am. πŸ› Reddit

Merry Christmas from Dock Square in Kennebunkport, Maine! πŸ› Reddit

Happy holidays from snowy Acadia! πŸ› Reddit

Merry Christmas, life as it should be πŸ› Reddit

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight from Athens. πŸ› Reddit

Throw back to a warmer day at Acadia - May 2024 πŸ› Reddit


Man arrested in shooting of South Portland woman πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Sears Island / Mack Point Wind Port

Letter: State should cut losses and look to Mack Point for offshore wind facility πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Things to Do

Maine Things To Do: ​Climb For A Cure, Finale 5K, The Silver Circus - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

DIJ Two Piano: Russ Lossing οΌ† Charles Farrell - Portland πŸ› Merrill Auditorium

Choir! Choir! Choir! πŸ› One Longfellow Square


Letter: Portland, stop clearing tents of homeless πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Support your local homeless shelters πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Afternoon Links - Wednesday December 25, 2024

Asylum Seekers

Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center offices burglarized, vandalized - YouTube - WMTW-TV


Saco medical spa closes without warning, leaving gift cards and prepaid treatments useless - YouTube - CBS 13 News


165 Washington Avenue Public Meeting Raises Parking Concerns of Neighbors πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Greater Portland Landmarks' new leader aims to balance legacy amid city change πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Climate Emergency

Maine energy agency asks for major battery storage buildout πŸ› Maine Public

NOAA predicts above-normal temperatures for Maine's ... πŸ› WGME

Food and Drink

The Send Brewing Co. to open Friday in South Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Sichuan-style hot pot restaurant coming to Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The Wrap: Portland on Tap returns; a potluck with a twist πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Best Tea House/Shop in Portland ME? πŸ› Reddit


Portland’s famous Christmas Eve shipwreck tale is worth repeating πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Maine business owners take over Stephen King’s β€˜rock β€˜n roll’ radio station πŸ› Piscataquis Observer


How to tell if it’s too cold outside for your dog πŸ› Bangor Daily News

You can have a fantastic time cross-country skiing on these Penobscot River trails πŸ› Bangor Daily News

2024 Whitewater Highlights: Canoeing 10 Maine Rivers [+BONUS] - YouTube - River Metimbers


Portland International Jetport's Christmas "Tree" πŸ› Reddit

Frosty sunrise at Long Sands Beach, York, ME πŸ› Reddit

Southwest Harbor is looking lovely this afternoon. πŸ› Reddit

Sunset at Indian Point πŸ› Reddit

Bar Harbor in the Christmas Eve snow storm πŸ› Reddit

Aroostook Christmas eve snow. πŸ› Reddit

Maine delivers a spectacular white Christmas! πŸ› Reddit

Latest Snow in Bar Harbor πŸ› Reddit

Merry Christmas Maine! πŸ› Reddit


Suspect arrested in Portland immigrant center burglary πŸ› Mainebiz

Man arrested in Portland shooting that left woman wounded πŸ› WMTW

Portland police arrest suspect in Sanborn Street shooting incident πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


UMaine System board says it won't divest financially from Israel πŸ› Maine Public

Public Safety

Crews respond after 3 people, 2 dogs fall through ice at Cumberland πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Social Safety Net

More than 25K Mainers to get Social Security boost after repeal of 2 provisions πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Thousands of Mainers expect to see boost in Social Security under bill before President Biden πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Holiday schedule changes for public transportation in Greater Portland - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Morning Links - Tuesday December 24, 2024


Maine authors publish multilingual children's book, bringing immigrant stories to the page πŸ› Maine Public

Asylum Seekers

Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center vandalized in weekend burglary πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Immigration drives nation’s population growth πŸ› Maine Morning Star

Letter: My grandfather would have been deported under Donald Trump’s immigration plans πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Janet Mills signs executive order to establish artificial intelligence task force πŸ› Maine Public

Buy Local

Marden’s bargain hunters relish 60 years of fabulous finds πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Maine wreath-makers ring in the holiday season with balsam fir tradition πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Residents of Portland's 'crime central' neighborhood take action πŸ› WGME

Meet Portland's new fire chief - YouTube - CBS 13 News

Portland officer spreads holiday cheer. Check out the caroling cop. - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Climate Emergency

Maine’s Shellfish at Stake: Scientists Tackle Ocean Acidification Together πŸ› Friends of Casco Bay

Opinion: I hope Mother Nature might teach Maine to cooperate πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Is sea level rise greatly exaggerated? Debunking common climate myths πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Cryptocurrency Scams

Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection Announces Consent Agreement and Order with Kraken πŸ› State of Maine


Sex Ed empowers young people to make responsible decisions in a post Roe v. Wade world πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Maine ban on PFAS-laden products moves forward πŸ› Maine Public

$4.3 million grant secured to protect Maine's oldest forests πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Third right whale entanglement reported in a week πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Advocates cheer possible end of genetically modified salmon πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Health Care

Opinion: HIV medication decision a symptom of a larger issue πŸ› Portland Press Herald


How Ski Bums Bucked State Control and Founded the Town of Carrabassett Valley πŸ› Down East


Maine is lagging the lofty housing goals it set last year πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Maine sells old courthouses in Sanford, Biddeford to turn into housing πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Mornin' πŸ› Reddit

Athens Energy from the porch at 5am. πŸ› Reddit

Baby Sea Smoke at Nubble Light yesterday before dawn πŸ› Reddit

Augusta Maine 😎 πŸ› Reddit

Kennebec river in bath πŸ› Reddit

Solstice vibes in Acadia NP πŸ› Reddit

Christmas Magic πŸŽ„βœ¨ πŸ› Reddit

My Maine This Week: Sunset on Madawaska Lake by Brenda Ketch πŸ› Natural Resources Council of Maine

Scarborough couple turns their home into a holiday display - YouTube - WMTW-TV


23-year-old woman shot in Portland πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Portland Police Respond to Shooting This Afternoon πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Woman shot in Portland, suspect detained πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Suspect detained in Portland shooting incident; one person found injured πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine


King, colleagues introduce bipartisan β€œPreserving American Dominance in AI Act” πŸ› Daily Bulldog

Musk and Ramaswamy to confront Congress in struggle for control of the public purse πŸ› Maine Morning Star

UMaine System board says it won’t consider divesting from Israel πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Public Safety

Portland man found dead after fire in basement πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Fatal Portland Fire Investigated by Fire Marshall’s Office πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Man dies after Portland basement fire πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Man's body found in basement of Portland home where fire occurred πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Social Safety Net

More than 25,000 Mainers to get Social Security boost after repeal of two provisions πŸ› Maine Public

Mainers could see more out of their Social Security thanks to new law πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Letter: Close to achieving Social Security fairness πŸ› Bangor Daily News


How Maine’s 1st violence prevention director is envisioning her new role πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Things to Do

Nothing But a Man πŸ› SPACE

Morning Links - Monday December 23, 2024

Buy Local

STRATA: Premier Place for Holiday Shopping; Samauri Swords on Display Early Next Year πŸ› Munjoy Hill News

Local businesses finally feel 'normalcy' as shoppers fill Portland's Old Port πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Shoppers look for last-minute gifts at Portland Makers Market - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine


Residents of Portland’s 'crime central' neighborhood take action πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Greater Portland Landmarks gets new executive director amid lawsuit πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Civil Liberties

Jared Golden faces criticism for supporting β€˜terror-financing’ bill πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Climate Emergency

Maine fishing piers still rebuilding from last winter’s storms πŸ› Bangor Daily News

Food and Drink

Get in on taco Tuesday deals at El Rayo Taqueria in Portland and Scarborough πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Wood-fired pizza adds to the menu at reopened Noble πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Restaurants taking reservations for Christmas & New Years πŸ› Reddit

Health Care

Total Maine Dec. 22, 2024: The future of abortion rights in Maine - YouTube - WMTW-TV


Throwback photo: Bonnie Raitt’s 1999 visit to Boys & Girls Club of Portland πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Maine news layoffs loom πŸ› Patch


A states' rights legal war is brewing. Trump DOJ pick has blasted California shield laws πŸ› San Francisco Chronicle


One Bird’s Winter is Another Bird’s Summer πŸ› Maine Audubon

Scarborough Beach winter access? πŸ› Reddit


Nonantum Resort Lighthouse, Kennebunkport, ME πŸ› Reddit

Sunday Photos: December 22nd, 2024 πŸ› Daily Bulldog


Letter: Campaign finance suit a sad commentary πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Public Safety

Emergency overnight warming shelter opens in Portland as temperatures drop - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Fire badly damages 2 Ogunquit businesses πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Crews battle large fire in Ogunquit πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Ogunquit residents react to fire that destroyed two local businesses - YouTube - WMTW-TV

Crews respond to fires in Scarborough and Westbrook Saturday night - YouTube - NEWS CENTER Maine

Things to Do

This New Year’s Eve, skip Times Square and watch a local spectacular πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Pull tickets out of your hat for Champions of Magic πŸ› Portland Press Herald

On New Year’s Eve, party like a Mainer πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Talking Heads, Willard Beach Polar Bear Dip and an old-fashioned radio show πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Katie Matzell pays tribute to Bonnie Raitt with One Longfellow Square show πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Tickets on sale for Shania Twain in July, 12/OC in August πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Morning Links - Sunday December 22, 2024


Gov. Mills establishes task force to study potential impact of AI on Maine πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Over 100 vendors provide last-minute shoppers with locally made gifts πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Climate Emergency

A year since the region saw disastrous flooding, western Maine officials say they’re better prepared πŸ› The Maine Monitor

A year later: Looking back at central Maine’s 2023 flood πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Letter: Do not fall for arguments against going green πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Portland community members gather for winter solstice celebration πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Consumer Protections

Letter: Maine’s Implied Warranty Law should not fly below radar πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Health Care

Letter: We need single-payer health insurance now πŸ› Portland Press Herald

The Maine Millennial: Don’t let congressional Grinches take away telehealth πŸ› Portland Press Herald


Central Penjajawoc Preserve πŸ› Hiking in Maine

10 most-watched trail camera videos of 2024 πŸ› Bangor Daily News


Farewell sunset earlier this week. πŸ› Reddit

Dune grass sunset at Ferry Beach, Scarborough, ME πŸ› Reddit

Solstice Sunrise πŸ› Reddit


Opinion: Voting against the courts is a losing battle πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Senate passes Social Security benefits boost for many public service retirees πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine

Senators Collins, Smith introduce bipartisan bill to build rural health care workforce πŸ› Daily Bulldog


Opinion: One more challenge Maine’s small businesses don’t need πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Public Safety

Our View: A very deadly year on Maine’s roads puts us all on notice πŸ› Portland Press Herald

β€˜Severely hypothermic’ hiker from Portland rescued in New Hampshire’s White Mountains πŸ› Portland Press Herald

Scarborough house fire closes several roads Saturday night πŸ› WGME

House fire in Westbrook displaces two people πŸ› WGME

Crews battle large fire near Perkins Cove in Ogunquit πŸ› WMTW

Fire on Perkins Cove Road (Ogunquit) πŸ› Reddit

Big Fire in Ogunquit tonight. πŸ› Reddit


Mobile Screens πŸ› Reddit


Power restored at Portland Jetport πŸ› WMTW

Car crash knocks out power near the Portland Jetport Saturday πŸ› WCSH News Center Maine